Consolidating your student loans
Why these factors matter to you when consolidating your student loansBest Rate Guarantee : ScholarPoint's Best Rate Guarantee ensures that you'll lock in the very best rates, no matter how the interest rate changes on July 1st!
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1. The annual government-initiated student loan interest rate change
Most of your student loans have a variable interest rate – specifically loans taken out before July 1, 2006 can potentially gain a higher rate while you’re repaying them as the government changes student loan rates each year on July 1st.
So how do you know when to consolidate? If the interest rate is higher than it is today, you’ll pay more after July 1st. If it’s lower, you’ve missed a chance to pay a lower amount each month. Whether you consolidate today or wait until after July 1st, you’re taking a gamble on the changing interest rate – right?
Apply Today to Get the Best Rate, Guaranteed
ScholarPoint has a unique program called the Best Rate Guarantee that removes the risk of paying too much. When you begin the consolidation process before July 1st, the Best Rate Guarantee ensures that you’ll lock in the lower of the two interest rates.
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